Real urban magic in the twenty-first century...

Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Gemstone Reset Spell─Commentary

*Because I wasn't able to post during the May Full Moon, as scheduled, I shall have two June posts to make up for it.

*Please refer to The Gemstone Reset Spell

I became a fan of gemstones only recently, being introduced to them by my friend and shaman Mark. He gave me my first set of stones. He also told me to wash them first over running water before I could claim them as my own. This forced me to create The Gemstone Reset Spell.

The purpose of washing the stones over running water was to cleanse it of any energy it still retained from its previous owner. Comparable to being given a used laptop, the new owner must first delete all the files, or reformat the entire thing, if possible. It would be best to have all the stones' energy come from you, the new owner. Theoretically, even running water from a tap will do, but I decided to use the biggest body of moving water in the world─the sea. Technically even a river would be as effective, but it'd be better if it was a mighty river, like the Agno, or the Marikina River. For maximum manna, you should use a mighty river, or the sea.

I added the element of burning them in the sun first, to satisfy the element of Fire. Then I also added the step of letting live ants crawl over the stones, to satisfy the element of Life. There are other ways to acquire these elements, and imagination is your only limitation. But of course, more experienced spellcasters will have more creative and more powerful ways of selecting manna.

The Gemstone Reset Spell

*Because I wasn't able to post during the May Full Moon, as scheduled, I shall have two June posts to make up for it.

Spell type: Out-Obj
Pref: Out-AM

Live ants (Li)
Running water (Wa)
Sun (Fi)
Gemstones (Ea)
Own breath (Wi)

Go near the edge of the water. Lay down the piece of cloth. Face the sun. Hold the gemstone in your casting. Say the first incantation.
Fires of the sun
Burn this (Turquoise)
And may its energy
Dry up and shrivel.

After muttering the incantation, lay down the stone on the piece of cloth, so that it soaks up the sun. Repeat if you have more than one stone, but make sure that when you lay your several stones on the cloth, their shadows do not fall on any of the other stones. Leave the stones for ten (10) minutes under the sun.

After ten (10) mins, pick up your stones (in the order they were lain down on the cloth), then take them to the running water. Hold the stone in your hand, then speak the second incantation.
Waters of the (South China)
Wash over this (Turquoise)
That it be cleansed of its memory
And its energy reset
And begin a new life
With me.

Then hold the stone and let the running water wash over it. Repeat for other stones, maintaining the same sequence.

Take the stones where there are live ants. Mutter the third incantation.
Majestic ants
Guardians of the earth
Pass over this (Turquoise)
And give it life.

Then place the gemstone along the ants' path. Make sure that live ants actually pass over the gemstone and make contact. Repeat for the other stones, maintaining the same sequence. Leave them on the ants' path for ten (10) minutes before picking them up.

*Commentary for this spell in the next post.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

On Palmistry

1. Can you do palm reading? How can you tell if a palm reader is the real deal?

No, I never studied palm reading. You can tell if a palm reader is the real deal if he/she can also do other forms of divination aside from palm reading, such as reading tarot cards, tea leaves, and even animal entrails. Knowledge of other forms of divination will show that he/she is familiar with the basic concepts of divination, and is not limited to merely the lines on one's hands.

*This is one of the questions that have been asked on my formspring page, regarding the art of divination.

Friday, April 2, 2010

What's with 2012?

*FM + 3

A lot of people are concerned about the Mayan prophecy of 2012. End of the world, they say. Repent, the end is nigh.

First of all, the Mayans have no monopoly on correct prophecies. Other prophecies are also as trustworthy.

Second, the Mayans do not even mention anything about the end of the world, or death, or destruction even.

So what happens in 2012?

The winter solstice of 2012 will mark the end of the Mayan calendar. Thus ends one age, and another begins. The Mayan calendar, by the way, has a very long range. It spans millenia. This is because it counts the earth's biorhythm.

What's biorhythm, you ask? Break it down first. Bio + rhythm. Rhythm is a repetitive cycle. Bio is life. The female menstrual cycle is an example of biorhythm. The seasons are another example. And so on. And so forth.

The Earth is a living thing. Well, not exactly an organism in the cellular living thing-sense. But you get what I mean. Anyway, anything living has biorhythm. And the planet Earth is no exception. It just happened that we're alive and will get to witness, or feel, the biorhtym's pulse. (Un)lucky us? Who knows.

Well, if you're still a skeptic after hearing the biorhythm explanation, just read the papers. Earthquakes in Haiti. In Chile. And in the Philippines. Drastic changes in the weather. That's either biorhythm in action, or the end of the world. You choose.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Magic Words

*FM + 6

When you hear "Magic Words", the first thing that usually comes to mind is "Abracadabra". Readers of the more recent Harry Potter novels will know "Wingardium Leviosa", "Expecto Patronum", or "Avada Kedavra" (which I believe is a variation of Abracadabra).

What then is the logic behind Magic Words?

Verbalizing an idea means putting form into something formless. It is the word that becomes the idea's body. Thus, when you have a concept, and there is no existing word to describe it, you coin a new word.

When sorcerers create spells, they create Magic Words to embody the spell. For purposes of discussion, let us use the Harry Potter example.

Now for example, centuries ago, a sorcerer discovered that he could conjure a Patronus, or a sort of spiritual familiar, which takes the form of animals. And to embody the entire spell that conjures it, he comes up with the words "Expecto Patronum".

Now to the modern sorcerer, "Expecto Patronum" may just be meaningless magical jargon, with a little bit of Latin-sounding flair. But "Expecto Patronum" actually means something, and whatever that meaning is may have been lost in the annals of history. It definitely meant something during its creation.

That's why Magic Words are never translated. They are the original vessels of ideas that came into fruition. To translate a Magic Word is to lose the essence of the idea. A translation has its own character, distinct from the original. The essence of the original becomes lost in the translation.

This is also the same reason why the Roman Catholic Church seems to have an obsession with dead languages. Some people ask, "Why is the Catholic Church obsessed with Latin? Nobody speaks it nowadays."

The reason for this what I have already stated above. Let's take the Holy Mass as an example. It is a ritual that is not biblical in nature, but one that was created entirely by the Catholic Church. The Holy Mass was created by the early Christians, and used the Latin language to embody their thoughts and ideas. Thus, in holding the Mass in Latin, the original essence of the ritual is preserved. Although translating the Mass in the vernacular will help reach more people, the Mass in Latin is the most powerful, and although I have never heard the Holy Mass in Latin, I am sure that my hair would probably stand on end, from the sheer energy of the entire ritual.

Friday, February 5, 2010

The Truth About Zodiacs

*FM + 6 (Sorry for the delay!)

A lot of people ask me, "Are zodiacs for real?"

I would've wanted to answer yes, because I am pretty sure that there is some truth in it, even if it isn't a hundred percent.

So just to be sure, I asked Osi, another shaman friend of mine.

And so to answer those who keep bothering me:

Yes, zodiacs are for real. They are true only as a general rule. Because like all things, there are exceptions.

Zodiacs rely on when children begin to understand and comprehend the world around them. Child development generally happens at a specific age, at a certain number of months. But again, everyone is unique, so some children develop earlier, some children later.

Let's take the Sagittarians, for example, which is my zodiac sign. (I won't be going into specifics here.) Sagittarians are born from 23 November to 21 December. These are generally the colder times of the year. The general atmosphere during these days of the year affect the general demeanor of society. So in this example, a Sagittarian will develop his/her sensory faculties at around the age of one year, which is roughly around the time before Christmas. During these times, society is generally in a happy and jovial mood. And so a child that develops his/her senses during this period will imbibe the mood of society, and will grow up generally with a happy and jovial disposition, not unlike the time the child developed his/her senses.

That should be okay for now. I shall explain more in the next post.

*pic from

Friday, January 1, 2010

Divination: 2010 Forecast, or The New Year Full Moon with Partial Lunar Eclipse

I thought 2 December 2009 would be the last full moon for 2009. Technically, the twelfth month of 2009 had two full moons. This is known as a Blue Moon.

The modern definition of a Blue Moon is "the second full moon in a calendar month"1. There is an older definition, which calls a Blue Moon "as an extra full moon that occur[s] in a season; one season was normally three full moons."2 But of course, this refers to the parts of the planet which have four seasons. The old definition will not sit well in tropical countries, which do not measure time in four seasons, and the onslaught of global warming might soon affect the planet's seasons anyway. So I go for the modern definition.

A Blue Moon is a rare event. This is experienced usually after approximately 31 months. The last modern Blue Moon before this one occurred in 31 May 2007 (31 months ago)3, and the next modern Blue Moon will occur in 31 Aug 2012 (32 months from now)4.

Last night was also a New Year Full Moon. As I mentioned in my earlier post about the Full Moon, the "full moon lasts for three nights. The fullest full moon is on the second night."5 It is thus rare for any of the three nights of the Full Moon to fall on the last night of the year. The last night of the year 2001, for instance, was the third night of the Full Moon6. The last night on the year I was born (1979) was lit by the first night of the Full Moon7. The last night of 2009 was a Full Moon at its peak, or the second night. Although this in itself is a rare occurrence, this actually only becomes special for societies which do not have a lunar-based calendar, like the Westerners, which follow the Gregorian calendar.

And finally, last night was also a partial Lunar Eclipse. It wasn't enough to cover the moon in a distinct shadow, but still, you could really see the spot on the lower left of the Moon's face where the Earth's shadow eats at the corner, creating an unmistakable chip. Again, I do not need to stress that a Lunar Eclipse, no matter how partial, is a rarity.

Now, for all three events (the Blue Moon, the New Year Full Moon, and the Lunar Eclipse) to happen individually is quite rare. But all three events happening at the same time--highly improbable. Therefore, last night's Full Moon should be read as an omen.

The Blue Moon: Signifies doubling. Being the second Full Moon of a calendar month, the Blue Moon acts like a mathematical exponent, raising something to the second power.

The New Year Full Moon: Signifies bounty, or fullness. A New Year Full Moon heralds good fortune and bounty for the incoming year.

The Lunar Eclipse: Signifies specialty, or added value. It adds flourish, sort of like an autographed hardbound edition of your favorite book, or your favorite song as an encore at a concert of your favorite band. In workers' terms, it is a bonus. A huge, hefty bonus.

Therefore: The Year of Our Lord, Common Era, two thousand and ten, will be a year of bounty and good fortune, filled with bonuses (or is it boni?), multiplied by the power of two. And I'm sure most of you felt this in the air last night.

And if you still doubt how special last night was, read this story.8

*pic from

2 Ibid.
4 Ibid.
