Real urban magic in the twenty-first century...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Spell Preferences 2: Time

*This delayed post is seven days after the last full moon for the year 2009.

Spells are either daytime or nighttime spells. Daytime spells are cast in the morning, and nighttime spells are cast at night. Obviously.

So combined with the knowledge learned from the previous post (Locations), a spell should note the preferred time and place of its casting.

In-AM: Indoors morning
In-PM: Indoors night
Out-AM: Outdoors morning
Out-PM: Outdoors night

An AM spell (daytime) is a spell that requires the energy of the sun, while a PM spell (nighttime) requires other light energy sources, such as moonlight, starlight, or no light at all.

Some of you may ask, "What's the difference between sunlight and moonlight?" The answer is of course their light wave. If you were to plot out sunlight and moonlight in wave form, they would look totally different. They would have very different energy signatures, because they are in fact emitting very different types of energy (see previous post on manna). So the choice of using sunlight or moonlight will actually depend on what type of energy you wish to harness for your spell.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Manna, simply put, is energy. In modern layman's terms, specifically Star Wars jargon, manna is The Force. Manna is the energy that surrounds everything.

Energy is needed to cast a spell. If the spellcaster is gifted with an unlimited supply of manic energy (and science actually calls that a disorder), then he/she can cast a spell without having to tap manna. But for regular humans like us, attempting to cast a spell using only the energy in your body will drain you. Which is why we need to tap an external energy source.

Different places have different types of manna because they produce different energies. To illustrate: A forest clearing, surrounded by all the huge trees, blades of grass, mushrooms, insects, and birds, produces a different energy, and consequently has a different type of manna from, let's say, a collegiate basketball game during the finals. Spells can actually be cast in both these places, but depending on your spell, you have to choose which energy source you will tap. If your spell needs more---aggression---then cast it in the basketball game. If your spell requires more tranquility, cast it in the forest, or on the seashore. It all really depends on the type of spell and its requirements.

*pic from

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Spell Preferences 1: Location

Spell Preferences are the time and location when a spell may be cast. Spells may actually be cast any time of the day, but depending on the type and intent of the spell, maximum effect may be utilized by following spell preferences.

Spells are cast in either two locations: Indoors (In), or Outdoors (Out).

Indoor locations are usually used for In-Subj spell types. This is because the walls that enclose the caster help redirect the energy back to the caster. When a spell is cast, energy is released, and configurations are changed. Enclosing the caster indoors will make sure that the released energy and the configurations changed will remain with the caster, and will not accidentally affect third persons.

Outdoor locations on the other hand are usually reserved for Out-Obj spell types. With no walls to hold the energy, everything is spewed outward. Add that to the fact that the great outdoors gives you unlimited access to all the manna you need. Well, not really unlimited access, but it does allow you all the manna you may require to cast a spell successfully.

The time when a spell may be cast depends on the light source, which is usually the main source of manna for a spell. This will be discussed in the next post.

Spell Types

*Because I wasn't able to post during the September Full Moon, as scheduled, I shall have two October posts to make up for it.

These are the three basic spell types:
  • Out-Obj: Outward-Objective
  • In-Subj: Inward-Subjective
  • Recp: Reciprocal

An Outward-Objective spell or charm is directed obviously outside yourself. Toward others. A spell to make someone fall for you (this is just an example, however. I would not advise anyone to attempt a spell to make someone fall for you. There are other approaches for that), being directed at a specific third person, is an Out-Obj spell. So are spells to influence the behavior of others, or to change someone's mindset.

An Inward-Subjective spell or charm is directed toward yourself. These include spells to make you quit smoking, spells to make you quit drugs, or spells to help you pass an exam.

A Reciprocal spell or charm is a combination of an Out-Obj and an In-Subj. It is one which affects both a third person, as well as the caster. Technically, all spells are Reciprocal, since the caster cannot pull one off without making a sacrifice. But more specific examples of a Reciprocal spell include spells to make peace with your enemy, or spells for success in group endeavors.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Soul-Bind Spell

The spell to bind yourself to your soul-mate.

Most powerful when cast on a Full Moon.

Spell type: Recp
Pref: Out-PM; FM

Magic Wand
Potion 120ml (Li)
Water (Wa)
Firestarter (Fi)
THC (Ea)
Peace pipe (Wi)
Photograph of the subject

Don the headgear, and walk onto an open field as the Full Moon rises. The headgear must not be removed during the duration of the spell.

Drink the potion. You will have 20 minutes before the effects are felt. Take the photograph, then place it on the ground in front of you. Use the tip of your magic wand and draw a circle on the ground around the photograph. Stare at the photograph and mutter the incantation nine times:

Mergis eternam te anima meƦ

With the firestarter, set fire to the photograph, and use its flame to light the peace pipe. Inhale deeply, and as you blow the smoke out, speak the name of the subject, your soul-mate. Then wash your mouth with water, and the spell is completed.

* * *

*This spell was based on a short story of the same title.
**This spell would work best with a consecrated wand.
***This spell also requires a trade (not specified). The souls will continue to be bound as long as the caster maintains fidelity to the other soul.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Identifying the Enlightened

Part 3 of the Enlightenment Series

How do you know if someone is enlightened?

Definitely, it's not like in pictures or paintings, wherein the enlightened people have golden halos around their heads. Close, though.

Enlightened people are good people. Emphasis on the word good.

Linguistically, the word good may seem like a weak word. Synonymous with the words nice and kind. But they are not the same.

A person may be nice, but not good. A person may also be kind, but not good. But a good person is both nice and kind.

You will know a good person when you see one. It's in the way they smile, the way their eyes look at you when they're talking, and the way they stare at you when they're listening. It's also in the way they talk. Good people will never mutter expletives. For them, there is always a perfect word to embody your emotion. If you resort to using the words fuck or shit to refer to something, then that just shows how lazy you are to think of that perfect word. You can actually tell a lot about people by the words that come out of their mouths.

Good people always think about others first before themselves. When they have food, they will share. Et cetera, et cetera. You already know that.

Not all good people are enlightened. But all enlightened people are good.

This is the composition of human goodness: The most numerous are the normal people. Normal meaning they can succumb to the dictates of the flesh, they think ill of other people, they will save their own asses before others. You cannot blame them for that; that is the natural human state. After the normal people, we have the good people, who are only a small fraction of the number of normal people.

And from the pool of good people, we have the enlightened ones. They are the ones who walk the path of righteousness, never straying, twenty-four seven. Which is something very difficult to do. And there are only very, very, very, very few of them.

*DISCLAIMER: I am not enlightened. But I wish I was.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Who is God?

Part 2 of the Enlightenment Series

Once, I got into a debate with someone who was trying to recruit me into his bible study group. We were discussing about God, and I asked him, "So what do you think God is, some old man in heaven dressed in white, with a long, flowing beard?"

Of course, I asked this with sarcasm, so I was surprised when he answered, "Yes." And this guy was already in college.

So who or what is God?

(I shall use the pronoun "He" with a capital H, not because I believe God is a man, but because of standard usage, since I am Roman Catholic by tradition. God has no gender, nor does He have any form.)

God is the Force. The Almighty. The fiber that holds the universe together.

I told bible-study guy to look at one single blade of grass. I told him to admire it, to adore its softness, and its greenness. Then I told him that that single blade of grass was unique. I told him to look at the blade of grass beside it. Those two blades of grass may look similar, but they are different; they are not the same blade of grass. Then I told bible-study guy to look at the entire field, made up of probably thousands, nay, millions of blades of grass, all similar, but none of them exactly the same. That, I said, was God. The power that can create a million similar yet different blades of grass. The power that can cause running water to wear down a rock. The power that cause an eighteen year-old to die from an automobile accident, or an eighty year-old to die of old age. The power that can create life, that can create twins and triplets inside a womb.

In order to be enlightened, this is the first step, the first hurdle, that you must overcome. You must find God. Some people scoff at such an idea, and say that God does not exist. But these people have not tried to find God. They have not tried to reconcile the conflicting ideas in their heads. The Force is always there, and only the Jedi are sure the Force even exists. And only those who believe in God can tap into His reservoir of unlimited energy to be able to work magic.

A few days after that encounter with bible-study guy, I chanced upon him again, wandering the campus alone. He no longer carried his bible, and he was always alone, staring into space. He seemed lost. And I believe I was partly to blame. I shattered the only God he ever knew, the one with the white robes and flowing beard, and I didn't guide him to the truth. Well, wherever you are, bible-study guy, if you ever read this...I apologize. And I hope you are fine.

*pic from

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Secret to Enlightenment

Part 1 of the Enlightenment Series

There are actually several paths to enlightenment. One can use the path of Siddharta Gautama, but it is a difficult path, and not for the average person. Or one can use the enlightenment of Jesus of Nazareth, by fasting for forty days. This I plan to try in the future.

The paths I mentioned above are paths to enlightenment popular thousands of years ago. Although they can still be used today, the mindset of the world right now is so different from what it was then. And so humans have discovered other paths of enlightenment.

Some people might argue that the use of psychedelic drugs is one path to enlightenment. They might even cite the extensive body of work of anthropologist Carlos Castaneda. Let me correct them.

Psychedelics may clear your inner demons. They may give you the energy to deal with emotions long suppressed. They may show you your path in life, or reveal your destiny. They may make you a better person. But that is not enlightenment.

At most, psychedelics may show you the door. But to walk through the door, and tread the path of goodness, that is what enlightenment is. One must walk the path, and never stray. But that is hard work, and very, very difficult to sustain. It requires pure devotion. Which is why enlightenment cannot be achieved by everyone.

Friday, April 10, 2009

On Casting Spells

Two important things to remember when casting spells:

1. All spells require a trade.

Most people have probably heard the saying "You can't touch a butterfly without rearranging the stars," or "The flap of a butterfly's wings in Brazil sets off a hurricane in Texas." Or something like that.

There are actually several variations of that philosophy. But the main idea behind that is that one's actions will create a ripple in the universe's flow of events.

So, if you cast a spell, and want a certain event to happen, you have to make a trade. Some spellcasters make live offerings; others sacrifice their connections with other human beings. Whatever.

A true spellcaster knows what to offer in exchange for something specific to happen. All it requires is creativity.

2. As a general rule: Never, ever tell anyone that you cast a spell. The moment you tell someone else about it, the spell will not work.

That is, of course, a general rule. And like everything else, there are exceptions.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Eye Candy

This is the science of eye candy.

Eye candy is something that stimulates the visual senses into an almost visual overload. Although it applies to anything visual, it is usually used to describe movies, or people.

Note that although scenes like golden fields blowing in the wind, or a sunset over a white sand beach, are both serenely beautiful, they are not necessarily eye candy.

And like everything else, eye candy is energy. To illustrate, let us take the best example for movie eye candy, and that's Speed Racer, directed by the Wachowski brothers.

It relies on the visual bombardment of color. Since color is merely a signature of light, it is energy. Color emits more energy than mere black or white. And the human eye is naturally drawn to wherever energy is strongest. The human eye is in fact naturally drawn to three things: light, motion, and color. And this movie has it all.

Human eye candy is slightly different, as it is the beauty of the person's face as a three-dimensional construction that makes it eye candy. And the human eye is likewise drawn to it, because it is unfamiliar. It is energy configured in a beautiful way, like the Aurora Borealis (which I have not yet personally laid eyes on).

That is the so-called science of eye candy.

Monday, February 9, 2009

The Sound of the Universe

This is the story of how I heard the sound of the universe.

This happened sometime in 2001 or 2002, I don't really remember. I was with three other friends, all of us psychonauts. We were in another psychonaut friend's apartment, although the friend who owned the apartment wasn't with us that night (he sometimes lets us use his place). All of us ingested Jekyll, lay down on a mattress, and went on a spirit walk.

This was my vision:

I was heavily clothed, surrounded in total blackness. All around me was nothing but black, total darkness, except for myself, which I could see clearly. I was not floating in empty space; my feet were touching solid ground, although it just looked black to me.

Then I started running in the blackness. Just running, to nowhere in particular. I didn't seem to be crashing into any barrier; I was just running through endless space.

Then a voice inside me told me to take off the baseball cap I had on my head. It wasn't really a voice, for it did not speak. But it was something foreign to me, and it spoke not in words, but in images, and it communicated at the speed of thought. And it told me to take off my cap.

So still running, I took off my cap. As I held the cap in my hand, I saw that it had some designs on the front. As I looked closer, I could see that the designs were of faces. They were the faces of my immediate family---my brothers and sisters, and my mom and dad.

Then the voice told me to throw the cap away. Still running, I tossed away the cap, and watched it disappear into blackness. Then the voice told me to take off my jacket.

Upon taking off the jacket, I also noticed that the jacket was printed with faces---the faces of everyone in my neighborhood. All of them: my childhood friends, the store owner at the street corner, the pesky kids across our house, basically everyone I know from my neighborhood. The voice also told me to toss the jacket, and it too disappeared into nothingness.

The voice told me to remove every article of clothing I had (like I said, I was heavily clothed). Printed on each article of clothing were the faces of people I knew during the course of my entire life thus far: my grade school classmates, my high school buddies and teachers, my uncles and aunts, my cousins, literally everyone I knew was shed off. Soon I was down to just my boxer shorts.

I stopped running then, aware that I would be asked by the voice to strip naked and toss away my boxers. I looked down at my last piece of clothing: printed on it were the four faces of the psychonauts who took the spirit walk with me.

I thought to myself, "These four people are physically in the same room with me (each of us having our own spirit walk), and they are my last connection to real world. Once I shed my boxers, I would have severed all my connections to the physical world." That meant that I would have crossed over to the unknown, having no idea at all what would happen if I did.

The voice assured me that there was nothing to be afraid of, and I knew that everything was good, for I felt no fear nor hesitation. So I stripped off my boxer shorts, and threw them away.

Then I felt myself falling through a portal, like being sucked into a straw, and when I came out the other end, I was back in my body, back in my friend's apartment, lying down on the mattress surrounded by my friends. But something was different. I could see the energy around me.

If you've seen The Matrix, it's similar to how Neo sees the Matrix code in everything around him. In my case, I could see literally thousands upon thousands of fibers of energy, each fiber having different color signatures. The energy configuration of my friends were different from the energy configuration of the furniture, or the stereo, or the mattress we were lying on. The energy of living things was different from the energy of the inanimate objects, but you could be certain that everything was energy, manifested in different forms.

And as I looked around in wonder, I became aware of a low humming sound that I could hear. It was very similar to the hum of a high-voltage cable with a powerful current running through it. It was also kind of like the hum of a Jedi's lightsaber, only it was continuous and uninterrupted.

That, my friends, is the sound of the universe. It is the sound of the buzzing and the humming of the energy around you. This sound is not new; it is as old as the universe itself.

Hinduism and other religions that practice meditation are no stranger to this sound. They have heard it before, and have incorporated them in their meditative practices.

The sound of the universe is written as one syllable, with three letters: AUM. Sometimes it is spelled "Om". John Lennon mentioned this in his song "Across the Universe."

Later on I did some research and found out that "Aum" is regarded by some as the highest sound, by others as the voice of God. And until I heard that sound with my own ears, I never even knew it existed.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Sorry. No sorcery during the last full moon.

Too much emotional interference throws my magic off.

Also, I think the neighbors are starting to suspect that I do voodoo hocus-pocus what-not.

Anyway, once I get my rhythm back, enemies, beware... My magic will be much stronger than before. I shall send the wrath of Karma in full force against my enemies. You all know who you are.

But first, I have to get my rhythm back. In the meantime, I must act as inconspicuous as possible so as not to arouse suspicion.

